Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Making YoYos

 I'm trying to relax and cut down the need to work all the time.  I discovered a TV channel that has some good free movies so I've been watching them.  I generally like something easy to stitch while watching TV.  Enter YoYos.  It doesn't get any more mindless than yoyos.  

A long time ago I bought a stack of cut circles off an eBay vendor.  She misunderstood what I wanted and I ended up with a ton of dark plaid circles cut from men's shirts.  I've tried to use them but blech.  So I sorted through the circles, pulled the ones with which I could vaguely work & started stitching them.  It's nice to have a little stash ready for embellishing.

And then I just veered off the path and pulled out a piece of fabric I painted a long time ago.  The paint was acrylic which made the fabric stiff but the design is interesting.  I wanted to see if it would gather up into a yoyo.

This was a very large circle (7") & the fabric didn't gather well.  I have a stash of  rough torn fabric strips.  I pleated the edge of one and am stitching it to the circle's edge.  I like where this is going.

The big gaping hole leaves space for all kinds of embellishments.  I have a bag of very pretty sheer florals.  They rip well so I ripped a length and gathered it.  Inserted into the hole it fills that space nicely and adds some additional oomph!

Now I have a focal flower for one of the upcoming blocks.  I'll bead it and it will be a Star YoYo!  

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  1. I like what you’re doing with raw edged embellishments. This would also be a nice background for a button. Those with tall shanks need the kind of “padding” your flower would provide.

    1. Yes, as it turned out, the sheer fabric didn't quite fill the hole so there's enough room for a big button or bead.


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