Friday, September 25, 2020

Crazy Quilt Block 2: Finished

 I'm leaving the corner areas a little sparse because I know they will be joining the other blocks.  Then I'll be finishing all the corners and seams.  Crazy quilting is a lot of work.

I don't know about you but I'm starting to get cabin fever.  It's been hard to get and stay focused this week.  

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  1. What a happy floral explosion! I love how you used those crochet motifs. The various pink flowers across the top are especially nice echoes of each other.

    1. Thank you! The crochet motifs have been a lot of fun! They are big so they need a big block to hold them. I'll have to look through my tubs again to see if I have any more. This is definitely the quilt for them!

  2. This crazy quilting on steroids! There must be a better name for it because it’s so far beyond that!

  3. So many beautiful layers upon layers. It is very inspirational! I saw your comments on my blog and I thank you for them. They somehow disappeared before I could respond, so I don't know if blogger had a glitch or I somehow marked them as spam instead of publish. Thank you for your suggestions and comments.

  4. The final is a beautiful block! It will look so great with block 1, also.


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