Friday, September 18, 2020

Crazy Quilt Block 2: Detail Progress

 Areas morphed as they are prone to do.  I settled in with some good podcasts and sewed embellishments down.  

I moved the crocheted pink flower out of the main bouquet and made it the center of its own universe.  I like it! 

That little beaded section was the fiddly part I was lamenting in the last post.  It turned out fine after all the gnashing of teeth.  Those cute little flower beads are from a girl's stretchy bracelet.  I tell you:  girl's bracelets are great for embellishment stash.

I kept it simple with the crocheted flower.  Great looking with the beads.

Here's where I left off last night.  Time to finish the flowers today. 

There was a time in my crazy quilt journey when I was timid about covering pieces of embroidery or trims.  I'm letting go of that timidity with this piece.  The resulting layering is so much richer when parts of one layer peek out from another layer.  

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  1. That is definitely something I am trying to work on - covering up things feels bad, but you are right, it does add so much when you layer.

  2. You and Sharon are much more prone to heavy embellishments, while I usually keep it light. It's a different style, but I'm enjoying seeing yours develop.


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