Thursday, September 17, 2020

Crazy Quilt Block 2: Details

 I've started the floral bouquet section of the 2nd block.  I was struggling a little with the placement and then the size of the 3 main flowers.  They turned out to be roughly the same size mainly because I had to add additional ruffles to allow them to stand apart from the background.  It's a tough job but someone has to do it. 

My new purple dyed trims came in handy.  The lilac ones worked out just dandy. 

As I was calling it a day last night, I realized I had been fiddling with this corner much too long.  I reminded me of putting on 6 or 8 outfits for an event and then choosing the 1st one.  I think one of the reasons I set crazy quilting aside in the past is its/my tendency to get overly involved in small details.  I need to be mindful and stop that! 

I'll sew the buttons down today and move on to finishing the big florals. 

Another section waiting for me to spend too much time on it!

Do you find yourself obsessing over details that ultimately don't make a difference? 

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  1. Yes sometimes I do. I went to a thrift store yesterday because I was getting tired of making my own additions instead of getting quick ones, and was able to score a white embroidered table cloth. It is machine embroidery and probably from a department store originally, but it has a lot of embroidery on it and was a fabulous price. Now I have to find the courage to cut it up or use it!

    1. I like machine embroidery. I’ve had an embroidery machine about 12 yrs & it’s been a fun adventure. Might as well use all the resources available to us. If you need permission to cut the tablecloth, here it is! Cut it!

  2. This is a real garden of delights!

  3. I think making crazy quilts is all about getting lost in the details. Your flowers are fabulous, and you’ve got a great button collection. It’s nice to be able to bring them out and enjoy them.

    1. If I remind myself it's the journey that counts, I can relax and enjoy all the embellishing.

  4. Actually, all the fiddly little decisions are ones that help me enjoy CQ. But I don't think I carry it to the extent you do. =)


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