Tuesday, July 14, 2020

My Home: Front Door Design Changes

Yesterday I painted the front of my door.  The fabric worked well except it was difficult to get paint close to the edge and not obscure the raw edge I was trying to preserve.  That left some of the blue showing through.  I decided to let it show and thought I could capitalize on the blue by leaving most of it around the glass and panels.

I tried a faux distressing idea.  Then I called for a few opinions.

Comments came back:  "needs more patching on the surround"  "a little too blocky"  "looks unfinished"  "too many competing elements" "prefer one color" (said 2 people) "eyelet trim is too cute" 

I pulled off the eyelet trim.  It was looking a bit too "gingerbread house" to me. 
I agreed the glass window was the focal point so instead of competing with it, I decided to paint the panels and frame one color.

The bottom panels need a 2nd coat of paint.  I am tempted to put a plain piece of fabric there if I can find one with a similar weave the right length.  The fabric I used on the surround is not long enough and I don't want any joins on the panels. 

I do like the texture with the smooth frames.
I'm undecided if I will add any more patches to the surround.  I may have to let that idea percolate.

While the interest is still running, I need to paint the door frame.  I have a lovely shade of gray about the same tone as the window's leading.  And, there are still those baseboards. Oh and, the backside of the door too.

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1 comment:

  1. At this point, I like the original door better, but I know your final door looks good.


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