Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Question Answered

Turns out it took 2½ hours of waiting to answer 1 question.  But that answer led to a better solution than I had anticipated.  While waiting at the Social Security Office I chatted with a very nice woman.  She saw me walking back and forth along the hallway trying to get my steps in while I waited.  She engaged me in conversation & we ended up enjoying our wait time together.  At one point we were talking about cars.  She said to me, "Well, just seeing you walk by, I would guess you drive a Volvo."  Huh?  do people even drive Volvos now?  I guess I come across as a hippie dippy earth mother type.  Ha! Ha!  I did have a guy look really surprised to see me get out of my Corvette.  He thought for sure I'd drive up in a Lexus.  He'd pegged me as a Lexus Woman.  Interesting how that happens!

The Social Security office is near a friend's house.  As I was pulling my phone out to call her and ask her if she wanted to take a quick walk around her neighborhood, she called me.  😎😎  So I also had an opportunity to visit a friend today too! 

Life is Good!
I'm feeling very positive about 2020!  

How is 2020 shaping up for you?
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  1. What an entertaining snippet of your day! Thanks for the smiles!

  2. At least you used the time productively. =) I used to laugh when I pulled into church in my Dodge Ram 2500. People were always surprised. Today, I drive a sedate Ford Fusion, but given my druthers, it'd be either a Mustang or a Camaro. LOL The car I've rented most often that is cute, comfortable and economical, though, is a Hyundai Elantra, and I wouldn't mind owning one of those, either. Or another Toyota, probably Camry, though an 86 would be awesome, in bright red. LOL


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