Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Commercial Patchwork Jacket: Fashion Ideas!

I'm just happily sewing on my skull ensemble when Bam! the weather changes!  Fall fell into winter.

I had a meeting Monday evening and was looking through my casual jackets for one big enough to cover a bulky sweater.  None really rang my chimes.  I remembered I had a patchwork jacket purchased for my Poshmark store last winter.  I remembered it being too big for me but I thought it might fit over a sweater.  I was right.   It's designed by Sharon Anthony & I actually have 2 of her jackets intended for Poshmark.  She might be a great designer but neither of the jackets button closed.  I may be a little picky but I like jackets I can close against the weather.  I don't know what's up with open front jackets that look wintry.

A few of these patches are dress weight which I don't think is a good idea to mix with upholstery weight; but, I'm going with it.  

The colors aren't exactly ones I would choose if I were sewing from scratch or if I had purchased this for myself; but, I can work with the jacket.  Normally I don't wear gold, tan or rust.  I'm your typical blue or pink gal.  So when something like this jacket presents itself, I analyze it to see how I can make it work for my coloring.

The front is full enough I can overlap it and easily add buttons.  Actually those hideous brown buttons from the skull jacket will work fine.  All those scattered buttons and that little squiggly trim have to go far away.   I'll be removing them.   The big tan section is kinda obnoxious too.  I looked through my dwindling selection of pre-made embroidery rejects and found a butterfly block that might look good in that section. 

I don't want to spend a lot of time on this jacket.  I just want something to throw on if I am dashing out the door and I have on a few layers already (which seems to be my style lately).
I pulled out some of my favorite scarves and shawls to see how they might change the look of this jacket more favorably for my color preferences.  I snapped pictures for you to see! 

I pinned on the little butterfly block.  It's over towards the side so I have room to add the buttonholes.

One of my long scarves from my knitting friend, Barbara.  She's blessed me with many wonderful pieces through the years; including the one I am wearing in my profile picture at the top of my website. 

I picked this handwoven scarf up from Goodwill a few weeks ago for $1.99.   Really lovely colors.

My mother knit this shawl for me about 10 years ago.  It's so good on so many color levels.   I like it a lot with this jacket especially since I will probably be wearing denim with the jacket.

For a softer more classic look I can wear this shawl Barbara knit for me.  Again playing up the blues around my face. 

I love this cape!  I bought it about 5 years ago at a craft show from a woman who was totally surprised and then thrilled I wanted to buy it.   I don't undo the buckle but instead put it on over my head.  It's just a fun piece. 

This is a crocheted shawl I picked up last winter at the thrift store.  I'm sure I spent less than $5 for it.   I can handle a light green near my face but not a dark forest green. 

My mom knit this turquoise cowl scarf for me.  It's so cozy and easy to wear.  I like how it plays off the gold section and the rust sleeves.

I find wool pashmini shawls all the time for about $5.  This one is especially lovely and I think works well with the rust in the jacket.  Let's a little light turquoise/teal in too which always looks good on me. 

A darker wool pashmini shawl.  It's very striking and I would wear this or the one above to church in a heartbeat. 

Going through these pictures, I'm unsure about the butterfly block.  If I am complaining about a wintry jacket that doesn't close, then putting a spring butterfly block on it seems silly.  The white background is a bit stark too.  Might have to nix nay that idea. 

What do you think?  
Do you have a favorite?

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  1. I love that shawl your mom knit for you. The colors look great with the jacket. For my tastes, I don’t think that minty green shawl fits seasonally - too bland and springy. You have a lot of shawls and scarves. I’ve totally given all mine away except for two thin soft wool scarves I use with my winter coats. We have *real* winter here (wink) in Utah!

    1. I may need a 12 Step program for all my scarves & shawls. I have a whole rod length in my closet and 2 small drawers stuffed full. They are so fun, cheap and it's easy to accessorize with them! that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  2. With that jacket, and those colors, I agree with Cathy that the shawl your mom knitted (the one with dangly parts) is perfect for it. I also agree those squiggles have to go. I do like the blue with the buckle, too. Most of them are appealing enough, but your mother's knit is a rock star.

    1. She'd be happy to know you thought so!

      I took off the squiggles & have posted a new post. Big difference!

  3. I think that they all look great, and I kinda like the butterfly patch. It almost reads like a pocket.

    1. I unpinned it for the pictures I posted today. Now the big tan area looks blank. Maybe something embroidered on a darker background. The jacket has side seam pockets and is fully lined. I can open the bottom edge of the lining and embroidery directly on the jacket or go the hand stitch route and use a big stitch like the blanket stitch edging.


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