Monday, December 31, 2018

My Studio: Where Women Create

While I am not ready for the magazine crews to arrive & shoot pictures, I am thrilled I took the time to organize one of the main storage units in my studio. 

My guideline was simple:  If I planned to finish the project in the 1st quarter of 2019, it received a basket in the storage unit.  Only current and pertinent work was allowed to take a spot in such a valuable real estate space in my work room.

Leftover supplies from previously finished projects got shuffled back to my storage room.  I had the yellow collapsible storage drawers folded in a pile.  They got pressed into service.  I even have 4 empty cubby holes at the bottom of the unit to be used.  I may move the empty baskets from the top to another room (which one is a mystery to me!) and put the quilt tops I would like to quilt on the top of the storage unit instead.  When they are buried in the storage room I forget about them.

Not bad for a couple hours of work!  Now to organize the space under my cutting table.  

My little Sweets and her family are in Israel this week.  Dad works for United Airlines so they have flying privileges & both were on vacation.  His work schedule has changed so my baby watch hours will change in the new year too.  Here she is working the obstacle course I set up for her.  :-)

Have a Creative Day, Y'All!


  1. She is a little sweetheart, isn't she? It's amazing what you can change in a couple of hours. I need to do the same, but there's so much and I'll have to drag tons of stuff out and make a big mess before I get it organized. LOL


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