Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sweater Refashion

Recently I picked up a sweater with a faux shirt sewn into it.  I think the style was popular about 10+ years ago.  I thought it was a little ridiculous at the time it was in vogue even though I did buy a new holiday sweater to wear to a party back then.

In my world a sweater is a very necessary part of my wardrobe staples.  Having a fixed faux shirt limits the sweater's usefulness.  

When I spotted the pink sweater for $1.25 I decided to investigate whether the shirt could be removed.  It turns out it can!  The faux shirt is just topstitched to a finished sweater.  The polka dot shirt was cute enough but it was polyester and dated the sweater.  I'll wear this sweater with jeans or whatever. I like thin pullovers for layering under bulky sweaters. 

I pulled out the holiday sweater and noticed it had a serious case of "ring around the collar".  I also remembered the shirt's opening was too low and the cotton shirt always needed to be ironed.  So, off it came.  I'll get more use out of the glitzy sweater now.

Well that was easy! 

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  1. Fun! Great idea, too, and makes it much more versatile.

  2. That is a good idea. Now you will be able to get many more uses out of them.

  3. Super! Remember “dickies”? I rarely wear sweaters as I get too hot. I prefer a shirt or vest over a tee shirt because I can rip it off if I have to. I have several sleeveless turtleneck tops that I pair with shirts but I only own one sweater. One!

    1. I have a few dickies! They are turtlenecks so they don't get used much (if at all). I read somewhere that cardigans are the choice of post-menopausal women because of that heat issue! I easily have 3 large shelves of sweaters. Love 'em!


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