Thursday, January 7, 2021

Camper Quilt: Bricks Layout

On the worktable is a new bricks quilt!  I like the 6½ x 3½" size.  It's a good scrap or short yardage buster and I have plenty to unload.  I usually piece the bricks into strips I can use with improv strips but this time I decided to use all bricks.  Gulp!  450 needed for a queen sized quilt. 

I have about 300 cut and a good sized fabric selection for the remaining 150.  I'm trying to really mix them up so the quilt won't have any obvious "she ran out of that scrap" look to it.  That means I will need to piece all the strips (15 bricks per strip) before starting the piecing on the longarm (sewing the strips to the batting & backing).  I am also going to offset the rows so the seams don't have to be matched.  I'm clever like that!  😁😁

This is my typical approach which uses less bricks and is less piecing.  (Obviously) 

I figured out if I just measure the height of the stacks I can get an approximate number of bricks per stack.  That's my story  . . . . .

Ready for hours of mindless (I mean meditative) sewing.

I stitch them in pairs & then into lengths.  It's a hard job but someone has to do it.

This pile is ironed & ready to become bricks.  Lucky fabrics!  Some of these fabrics were purchased in 2004 or 2005 when I was planning to enter the Hoffman Challenge (which I did enter).  I'll say it here:  15 years ago-easily.  Geez.

A couple of strips laid out in the design I am stitching.  Fabrics from: a dress, pillowcase, shirt, vintage sheet and some shorts.  Let the fun begin! 

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  1. Fun! I keep meaning to remember this and make it my leader-enders, but there are so many projects and so little time ... and so little memory! LOL

    1. I feel ya! That memory part is so true lately. I'm staying in my knowledge for awhile. :-)

  2. What fun! This will be a very cheerful quilt.

  3. I love your enthusiasm for this project. So fun and lively. I'm inspired.


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