Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Bricks/Coin Quilt

 Today I'm ready to put the pieced strips on my longarm and sew them down.  It's an exciting process to see the fabrics mingle together. 

Yesterday I was able to sew all the strips and have enough time to sew more bricks together for a variation.  I'll end up with a large twin 72 x 86 without much effort.  Some of these brick pieces have been cut since 2014 when my friends and I were sewing quilts for the Montgomery fire department.  That seems like eons ago. 

The fabrics are muted and dare I say it, dull.  My idea was to have brighter coin pairs sitting on a muted background.  We'll see how it plays out.  

All the pieces are so wonderful together!  Ready for seam pressing.

Pressed and ready to stitch down today!
My fireplace screen is coming in handy as a rack.  

This is the beginning of the next quilt.  A pieced border.

I arranged the leftover bricks in this style for a wide coin length.  I haven't stitched this arrangement before so it's fun to anticipate how it will look.  I might be on to something new! 

The leftovers.  I might just add more bricks and keep going.  I do have a stack of cut off pieces that would be good for an improv quilt.  I should probably stitch that before I stitch another coin quilt.  Decisions, decisions! 

No one can accuse me of not having a Plan! 

It's gotten a little chilly in Houston.  This past weekend I was in Austin meeting Hawkins' daughter.  Austin had snow coming and going.  Now I am sporting my new handwoven scarf from Barbara just about daily.  I'm wearing a vintage wool sweater under my heavy cotton cardigan and wrapped together with my scarf.  Perfect!  Thank you Barbara! 

I like being cozy! 

Join the Conversation!
What's going on in your studio now? 



  1. Lovely... the quilt strips are full of life & color! Love your scarf, and you look so pretty!

  2. I’m glad the scarf is getting good use, you look nice and warm. Enjoy your stitching, I’ve been working in my long-saved bin of plaid shirts. So far I’ve made a baby quilt, and now I’m piecing blocks for a bigger quilt.

  3. Yes, I am wearing it all the time! Time to get back to some quilting.

  4. I have a feeling nothing will be dull about the quilts!


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