Thursday, June 14, 2018

Reconstructed Dresses: 2 & 3

This was a quick sew!  I'll be wearing it today to the Mission Stitcher's Meeting.

I stalled out at the skirt on this dress.  I ended up with a decision but then I was too tired to sew.  The hardest decision was whether to cut the scarf in half for the ties!

Have a Creative Day, Y'All! 


  1. Fun. I find myself split on the scarf cutting decision, and look forward to seeing your choice.

    1. The scarf is already cut and sewn into the bodice seams. It was a long scarf and so it worked well for the side ties. It's that annoying sheer nylon fabric so I am thankful I didn't have to hem it.

    2. LOL, I can tell now that I look and know, but the other day, I wasn't sure.


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