Friday, June 22, 2018

Reconstructed Dress: 4

Following the success and my love of the previous Kimono Styled Reconstructed Patchwork Dress, I've decided to stay with this silhouette for awhile.  I'll spend some time working on variations.  There's a lot that can be done to either the bodice or the skirt.

Toward that goal, I pulled out an older blouse of mine that I have always loved.  I had planned to use it as it was and just add a skirt for a quick dress; but, as I was examining it, I saw a stain on the sleeve cap.  Well, that wouldn't do!  So off came the sleeves.  Then, I had to rummage around for a new sleeve.  At the bottom of some box I unearthed a very old thrifted denim blouse.  I'm sure I bought it for the denim, the embroidery on the front corner and the nice metal buttons.  It's not even close to my size.

All of a sudden I have either an oversized top or what might be the beginning of a dress for someone else.  I typically don't wear oversized clothes but this will have a lot of favorite fabrics so I may give in this one time!  

My goal for these clothes is to do as little sewing as possible.  I'm trying to let the pieces I use from the manufactured clothes be the bulk of the dress.  So changing out buttons isn't on the short list but the buttons from the denim shirt were much better than the blouse buttons.  So, I'll swap them.

The proposed skirt will be vertical patchwork.  I had intended to gather it but since the bodice increased so drastically, I think I'll stay with a flat skirt.  Here are some fabrics laid out that I have in mind.  I'll probably add more strips of the light colored circles so it moves around the skirt well. 

My original skirt for the dress was going to be this nature themed check.  My goal is to use some of my very favorite fabrics from my stash.  I've had this piece for awhile and there isn't much left.  Once I gathered it, it was too small for the top; but, it will make a darling skirt on its own.

The bottom section of the skirt will be this butterfly fabric.  I may add some other accent pieces too.

I had my new beige Patchwork Gathered Skirt laid out and ready to wear yesterday to my stitching group meeting.  I slipped it on & it was Too Big.  Not just a pin it over a little too big but a take the waistband off & cut it smaller too big.  What?  I'm not sure how that happened.  I did measurements.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  

Have a Creative Day, Y'All! 


  1. You are certainly having a good time with all those clothes! I really like the buttons from the denim shirt, and I love the red-checked nature skirt-to-be!

  2. Debra, you sure have the vision for seeing diamonds in tha rough.


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