Friday, April 6, 2018

Behind the Scenes

Today's planned garage sale got rained out so I'll be hosting it tomorrow.  I woke up in the middle of the night and while trying to get back to sleep, I remembered 2 adjustable lights I own.  Today they were pressed into service for photographing clothes.  I think they will make a huge difference in the quality of the Poshmark photos.

Gene and I took a quick run around some of the surrounding neighborhoods to check for bargains.  We chatted with a lovely couple & walked away with a big stack of Harley Davidson and concert tshirts.  Both should be good sellers!  You just never know who you will meet.  I love Houston.


  1. Sounds like a fun morning, or afternoon. I thought your photos were fine already, but more light can't ever hurt!

  2. Oh what fun! Let’s hear it for those flashes of brilliance!


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