Friday, October 2, 2020

Crazy Quilt: Block 3 Started

 I have been flitting all over my studio the past few days not able to concentrate on much of anything.  Then I got hit with another headache.  By late yesterday it was subsiding so I started stitching on Block 3 while listening to podcasts. 

I think it's fair to say I'm going for the big chunky look!  Most of the flowers are pinned in place so I can tell which areas to embroider.  I don't see any reason to embroider a seam that will be covered.

The hem of a shirt gathered into a ruffle with a big chunky fuzzy strip of rickrack & some chain stitch.  Above it 6 strands of DMC stitched Herringbone over seam tape made from leftover quilt binding.

The white trim had the pearls attached so I just stretched them down to the bias tape edging.  Then I filled in the open spaces with buttonhole stitches.  I like buttonhole stitching.  I have to remind myself not to overuse it.

I got a little carried away in the minutia here but oh well!  It's a fun little strip of flowers.

This flower is just pinned.  I only have 3 of these leaves so I want to make sure this is the perfect flower for them.  Silly, right?  

I was kind of winging it here.  Turned out pretty good!

One of the newly dyed purple motifs paired with some lame yoyos.  Strip of torn selvedge hand pleated for a ruffle.  I love building these flowers.  I might have to sew a whole CQ with just yoyo flowers.  Ya know, sometime after all the other projects get finished.

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  1. Well, I am just blown away by all the fun colors, rich textures, beads, buttons, do-dads, fancy stitching AND the talent, AND the time put into this beautiful project! Girl... you are amazing! Love it all!

    1. Thank you very much! By the time this piece is finished, it will be so heavy it will need a frame.

  2. I’m loving your bold embellishments and darker colors. I actually like it when a stitcher uses a handful of the same stitches, but with various threads and in different sizes, go ahead and buttonholes stitch as much as you want. I think it’s charming.

    1. Thanks for that endorsement! I guess I think it seems lazy on my part. This quilt is turning out to be more about the embellishments than the stitching so it probably doesn't really matter.
      The Christmas wall hanging will have a lot of buttonhole stitching because I'll be adding patches to the surface.


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