Monday, February 3, 2020

Strippy Quilt

I listen to a lot of country & western music while I am working.  Lately I've been listening to the top 1990s artists.  One of my favorite duos is Brooks and Dunn.  They released a song called My Next Broken Heart.  Every time I hear the words:

I found myself a brand new friend
I'm headed down that road again
Working on my next broken heart

I can't help myself and sing instead:

I found myself a brand new idea
I'm headed down that road again
Working on my next quilt top now

Hey, I am easily amused.  What can I say?  If it gets the work done, I'll stoop to that level.  😎😎

As it turned out once I got the 9 Patch blocks on the design wall, I completely turned my back on them!  Ha!  Another stack of fabrics caught my attention.  At various times I pull out all my strip scraps and sew them end to end into very long lengths I wind on a cardboard reel.  I keep like measured strips together.  Then I sew them in a sew/flip/quilt style of construction on the longarm.  The method produces a colorful quilt in record time.  I love the process!  

My reels of strips were the squirrels that caught my attention.  I'm in a mood to use parts and pieces I stitched last fall to finish into charity quilts this spring.  I sew in cycles:  a bunch of parts piecing and then a few quilt tops.  When looking at quilt tops to piece I always feel like "Oh, look, most of the work has already been done.  I can finish this quickly now!"  

Again.  What can I say?  If it gets the work done, I'll stoop to that level.  😎😎

So Saturday I spent the day almost knocking out a full sized quilt.  I usually quilt this style to the full width and length of whatever thrifted blanket I have on hand.  I don't see any reason to trim down a blanket when I know someone somewhere can use it in its current size.  It also eliminates waste and scraps for me.  

Take my quilt tour!  I love all the funky prints together.  It looks like a personal memory quilt from childhood into adulthood.  An imaginary friend, maybe?   A child could tell many stories by looking at the prints here.  Wouldn't that be fun?

I have about 10 more rows to sew for an early February finish!  Yea! 

Please Join the Conversation!

How do you trick yourself with projects?  


  1. Debra, I'm right there with you about music playing while I work, except I mostly listen to American Standards (Nat King Cole, Steve Tyrell, Diana Krall, etc.) Great music sets the stage for happy art, and I can see that it works for you, too! Your strippy quilt pieces are so bright & colorful, and such fun to look at! I love them!!!

    1. Nothing like a good cheatin' song! ha! I'll get tired of C&W and switch it up. I do like having music playing all the time.

  2. I always have music on. Radio or disk. But good you please take a picture of the whole quilt? Thanks in advance.

    1. Yes, once it comes off the longarm frame I will post it!

  3. It sounds like a great method of putting something useful, warm and creative together.

    1. It's going to help me get my 10 year "Sew the Stash" commitment achieved!

  4. I seriously LOVE all the variety in your fabrics!

  5. Thank you! It's a big conglomeration of fabrics but in the end it feels lively and fun!


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