Thursday, November 7, 2019

Patchwork Bathrobe Finished!

 I am going to really enjoy wearing this bathrobe.  
 It's like a big quilty hug!

A few challenges along the way:
  1. It took about 3 days longer than I had planned!  Ha! Ha!  What's new there?  
  2. It's bigger than I expected.  When I use the pattern again, I'll definitely move down 1 or maybe even 2 sizes.  The weight is good though.  I used a blanket with polyester batting so it's fairly "lightweight" kinda considering all the patchwork and quilting.  I like the little bit of loft defined by the stitching. 
  3. I put the back on inside out but I decided to "go with it" so the inside is patched.  Well, I really planned that.  Just sayin'!    
  4. The shadowing is an unfortunate mistake but so what?  I was able to cover a fair amount on the front collar with the vintage linens.  
If I follow this robe up with a coat, I'll quilt the pieces as I go instead of quilting yardage and cutting out the pieces from it.  Or, maybe not.  Who knows? 

Overall, I'm claiming a Victory!  It's individual and mine.  What's better?  Nothing! 

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  1. Oh my, these pics are so awesome! I looove it! And I was a joy to see the gold and purple flower (on the collar) from the linen piece (part of a set that I still have) that my great-grandmother Magdalena stitched! I’m having carpal tunnel surgery next week and I hope it will restore my ability to embroider.

    1. I am really happy I could use some of the linens that have a story behind them. Your great grandmother's handwork lives on! How fabulous! Thank you for sharing them with me.

      When you are ready to start embroidering again, let me know. I keep threatening to take up my needle for the huge CQ I have pieced and started. I just can't get my MoJo going on it. Maybe with my new cozy robe I can sit in the evening and stitch. Having a stitching partner might also motivate me!

  2. I think it's awesomely beautiful! And it's warm. What more can one ask from a bathrobe? Plus it's very feminine.


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