Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Coins Quilt: Strip Sets

For the most part I have all the strips sewn together.  All the miscellaneous short lengths are sewn as a group.  I'll trim those to an accurate 8" before sewing them into a long 72" length. 

The fabric strips that were closer to 45" wide have been sewn in groups too.  I'll be cutting them into 10" widths & the remainder will be cut into 8" widths.  I've tried to stay pretty close to what I think I might really need instead of zealously cutting and sewing strips until the cows came home.

I love the pinks!  They really are so calm and relaxing to me.  Just lovely! 

Have a Creative Day, Y'All! 

1 comment:

  1. It's looking great, Debra! I like to see the posts along the way. You DO make me yearn for a longarm, though! =)


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