Saturday, December 29, 2018

Being Intentional: Recording Ideas & Photos

As I was looking through my almost totally blank journal the other evening, I did read the few quilting notes I had written from 2009-2010.  It was fun to reminisce over the finished projects I had noted in the journal.  And my ideas were pretty good for the projects I had planned were I still on that quilting journey. 

There were, however, some notes that were, "Huh?"  I wondered what I was thinking about at the time.  I couldn't even recall the focal point of the project.
Toward that end, I've decided to make more intentional project notes; documenting the ideas along with the questions I have about the process & the project.  Now I plan to include photos too.  I would love to include photos in the journal but I don't plan to print any of them.  I'm really a no paper type gal.  I don't take or use any more paper than I absolutely have to use.  And that goes for straws & plastic too; especially plastic.

Yesterday I pulled an old project off the shelf I've thought about finishing in 2019.  I'll write about it in another post when I start it.  I've been thinking of it frequently; along with the few other quilts I want specifically for myself-to enjoy now & for the rest of my life. I know I won't execute it as I had originally planned but I wasn't really sure if I liked my new plan for it. 

In my journal I've given the quilt its own section.  I titled and dated the entry.  Feeling very accomplished here!  I listed my ideas and then my unsolved questions. Then I took photos of some of my ideas. Once I loaded the pictures on my computer I renamed them with notes significant to my journal entry. I went back to my journal and wrote down the specific address of the computer files. The big breakthrough is documenting the specific location on my hard drive where I can find the reference pictures. That is a big honking deal.  I have spent so much time over the course of my quilting life looking for pictures in "obvious" folders.  I probably could have tamed that beast years ago but I wasn't being intentional enough to stop and follow through on necessary steps. 

One of the photos for a future finish with an old project idea! 

Have a Creative Day Y'All! 


  1. That goes along with your other ideas about being intentional in 2019. I keep a word doc and the photos together, when I write about a project. I know that if I have things in two places, I'm bound to either lose one, or forget about it entirely.

    1. Hi Susan,
      I thought about using some word docs but I like the idea of scribbling notes in my little notebook.
      Forgetting about ideas happens all the time. What's up with that?


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