Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Improvisational Quilt: Tshirt Knit & the Argosy Trailer

This beauty is ready for the longarm!  It will be the camper quilt when Hawkins and I go on the road.  It's lively and fun & I plan to give it a swirly curly quilting stitch.  Nice striped fabric backing to keep the cheerful attitude going. 

We've started the cleaning and prepping of his vintage Argosy (Airstream) trailer.  We're hitting the road the 1st week of March.  While we were working on it, 3 people came by and asked if it was For Sale.  Apparently lots of people have fond memories of camping in them during the 1970s.  I think this is a 1973 model.  It has the typical avocado green kitchen appliances.  

Any adventures planned for spring?
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  1. Hey, Deb! Long time no see! I love the camper quilt, so cheerful and bright. We are looking into a travel trailer. Our only plans for spring so far are to travel to visit DD and our 15mo old grandson. Last time we saw him in person he wasn't even sitting on his own, now he is running and talking! I CAN'T WAIT to visit them! Was glad to have run across your blog again. I see some familiar "faces" in the comments ��

  2. The quilt will be great, but I will be jealous of you on the road, camping in that wonderful trailer. I think so often about getting something - maybe a C-Class - so I can be back on the road at least part of the time. I miss that more than I can say. There is nothing like traveling, but always having your own bed to sleep in, your own bathroom when you need it, and a snack whenever you are hungry, in your own kitchen!

  3. We had a camper for a while, loved it. You’ll have so much fun! The quilt is gorgeous—great job! Travel plans? None at the moment, we may drive to Palm Springs to visit Jim’s brother, but even that we have to get the vaccine first and who knows when that will happen.

  4. Beautiful quilt. You have such great confidence with your colors! Will be really special to be out on the road. Susan is right - having your own bed, bathroom, and kitchen. Terrific. Especially now. What a nice project for you both to work on. Wish I could tag along. Cheers!


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