Friday, October 30, 2020

A New Job

My contact at the Houston Furniture Bank recommended me to a local embroidery business who was looking for a manager for their backroom embroidery business.

I've never been recruited before so it was a surprise!  A good surprise. 

I'll be starting part-time next week learning the machines.  Luckily I have a good working knowledge already so it will be pretty easy.  Famous last words.

Besides processing customer orders I'll be helping the owner come up with new ways to use existing inventory and new ideas for sale outlets.

They currently have 1 stand alone machine and a 4 head machine.  4 projects using the same design can stitch at the same time on the 4 head machine.  That in itself is pretty exciting.

The size of the hoops are very large.  I'd guess the largest size is about 12 x 18.  It could be larger.  There are some very fun designs that can be stitched in that size.

A new adventure!  
How fun!

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  1. Fantastic! Congratulations, this is perfect for you!

  2. Congratulations! It’s sounds like this is right up your creative alley!


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