Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My Crazy Life: Block 1 Progress Pictures

I've been sitting down and stitching!  It's been great fun to sneak away to my new needlework room to explore some ideas.  I could use a huge table instead of just a big table.  By the time I start pulling out supplies, there isn't much room to stitch!  But, alas! 

As it turned out most of the seam embroidery had been stitched on this block sometime in the past.  I really was at the embellishing stage which truthfully is the most fun for me.  

Every time I sat down I could think of a new way to arrange the pieces and parts.  I took photos to record them so I could evaluate later.  

I immediately realized I didn't want more black on the block.  I did, however, love more red!  

I cut this black sliver from a skirt hem.  It was too solid so I ended up cutting out the flowers.  The pink flower is one I machine embroidered years ago.  

The original block had a pale rose section that just died on the vine.  And, it puckered through the middle.  I covered it! 

Below, I am working on some arrangements to cover the section but not cover the seam embroidery (much).

Toward the bottom of the block I had some large open areas.  I had already attached the green and pink/purple yoyo so I decided to leave them. 

The gingham check trim is probably too obvious.  I don't know. 

In an effort to move more red around the block, I stitched a few yoyos.  I like yoyos.  They are pretty useful as the base for embellishments and they are a little bit funky too. 

I also like rickrack.  It falls into the funky category for me. 

Starting to look at ideas for this big flower. 

I've stitched the white applique to the block (below).  Now I am wondering how to embellish it.  Adding beads in the middle is a no-brainer.  But what about the petals?  What would you do? 

Building some flowers out of yoyos and beads.  Fun stuff! 

I'm thinking about a button cluster under the birdbath patch.  It's near the center of the block so I want it to be dramatic.  Or at least thematic.  Or something.

I have a big heart collection that I would like to use for this crazy quilt.  I expect to tuck hearts all around the surface.

Sequins seemed to have crept into my crazy quilt supplies.  They add a little sparkle to the surface. 

I'm planning to stitch these elements in the lower region & start the embellishing. 

I had a broken wooden bead necklace that produced all these wonderful flat discs.

Here's the scene on my worktable this morning. 

It's all so good!
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  1. Oh, my stars... Debra, I am in love with your work, your ideas, your stitching, your colors and your stash! Can I come to your house & play? LoL

  2. This looks like so much fun!!! I’m glad all your rearranging has brought you to this new creative space.

  3. I can see that your creative juices have been firing on all cylinders. Fun times ahead!

    1. Something is going on! Wonder how long I can keep it firing??!

  4. That's quite a block! On the white flower lace you were asking about, I think I'd find a variegated perle that echoed the colors in the buttons lying on it (and use the buttons in the middle) and make straight stitches parallel to the straight lines on the edge of each petal. I don't know if I explained that well, but hopefully, you understand it anyway. =)


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