Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Pay It Forward Encounters!

What an interesting couple of days! 

In an effort to pay my fabric forward I've been meeting various people.

The 1st person I met was a belly dancer who also has a booth at the Renaissance Festival when the festival is happening.  With the current quarantine in place events like festivals are not happening.  But, that doesn't keep her from collecting fabric!  After a long drive (1½ hours) we met and exchanged goodies.  I traded boxes and bags of fabric for a hand crocheted shawl.

It's a beautiful soft abstract style that can be worn on the hips or the shoulder.  My kind of colors!  So Pleased! 


I've been searching Facebook Marketplace for some furniture I might be able to use in my bedroom sitting room area.  There really are some fabulous pieces on there.  I think it helps I live in a large metropolitan area with lots of variety.  I've been sorting through the vintage furniture hoping to find something with a smaller scale that would fit the size of my rooms.

I found a lovely stool from a man who lives close to my neighborhood.  With Houston being the size it is, proximity is a definite plus.

This morning we agreed to meet at a nearby Walgreens.  I had a few errands to run one that included dropping off a box and bag of (you guessed it) more fabric at Goodwill.  I had originally intended to take it to the christian thrift store but it's on the other side of me and well, I was going by Goodwill so it became the thrift of choice.  

As I'm driving along, I see a police SUV come screaming down the street and then pull off.  The policeman jumps out of the SUV and opens the back hatch, pulls out a long barrier strip.  About the same time I see 4 or 5 police SUVs hauling it down the other side of the street.  I'm pulled over in a turn lane cowering in the corner of my SUV.  Out in front is a fast moving truck with the driver's arm extended pointing toward the sky.  My thought is the officers are in hot pursuit of him.  

The police SUVs go by and I move into the lane to drive forward.  My thought is:  get out of here soon!  I drive a few more blocks and there in front of Goodwill at the intersection is a 4 or 5 car pileup.  Gracious!  That's where the police SUVs were headed.  The truck driver had nothing to do with them!  Now I see the EMS coming from the opposite direction.  I inch by and realize I won't be dropping off my fabric donation after all.

I'm a few blocks from the intended meeting location.  The man arrived with the lovely stool.  He tells me his wife has intended to recover it but she has so many projects now, she won't get to it. Ha! ha!  Do we all know that story or what?  Then he tells me she has a few industrial sewing machines and an embroidery machine.  So I say, do you think she might like this fabric?  And, by golly, he took the fabric in exchange for the stool.  Later he texted me how pleased she was with the fabrics and will be sure to Like my Facebook page.  I am more happy to pay the fabric forward to a sewer than the thrift store; so, that worked out well.

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

I still had a box of miscellaneous to donate so on the way home I left them at my regular thrift store.  In chatting up the young intake girl she told me they have gotten many donations from people cleaning out their houses during the quarantine.  AND, you should come see all the decorator items!   And, guess what?  I got in my SUV and drove home.  I really think I deserve a medal or at least a Gold Star. 

My neighbor had an AC repairman at his house when I got home.  He called telling me I should have the guy look at my unit.  So we cooperate & the repairman tells me it's an easy fix: needs a capacitor.  He installs it and I'm ready to count my chickens.  Well, no, the unit won't hold any freon and the compressor is toast.  Those chickens aren't going to hatch.  He'll be installing a new AC unit on Friday; just in time for the incoming hurricane season.  

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  1. Yes, I hereby award you a Small Stash Medal for driving away in the nick of time. That’s a lovely stool, it’s going to look great in your house.

  2. Wow, what a day! Some great things, though. I hope the neighbor's A/C guy gave you a great price!


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