Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Grateful Threads Project: Nine Patch Blocks/ 1st in Series of 4

Once I got rolling with the Economy block as a setting I started seeing a lot of possible ideas.  One of the many reasons I love working on community quilts is the opportunity to experiment without boundaries.

I currently have enough 13" 9 patch blocks sewn for 4 twin sized quilts.  I like working in groups of 4.  It gives me a week to stitch the tops and a week to quilt them.  Then I can move on to another idea.  Bing-bang-boom.  Or, stick around & explore more ideas on the theme.  Truth be told I could spend a long time experimenting with 9 patch configurations inside of economy settings.

I pulled some purple prints I bought in the early 2000s when I felt I didn't have a very good assortment of purples in my stash.  Purple is not my go to color at all.  It's funny to me how I have trouble letting go of orange or blue but purple, not a problem!  I had a decent variety of ½ yard pieces which gave me enough for the 4 matching corners and a few extra for the next quilt. 

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How do you feel about purple? 


  1. Your blocks look great. Purple is a very popular color, but I’m like you, it’s the color I have the least of in stash.

    1. After this group of quilts, I'll have even less. I seem to have quite a bit of purple in non-cotton fabrics. I may have to come up with some new ideas so I can use them up too.

  2. I like purple, all tints and shades. I don't have many prints like a couple of the ones in your quilt. I don't like orange and pink, so I don't have much of those. Practically no pink except donated scraps. I do find a use for certain shades of orange, but not often, and usually in quilts either for UT fans or Phx Suns fans.

    Your economy blocks worked well as the setting.

    1. Thank you. That top is finished. It turned out super!

      Seems I remember you don't like pink. I love pink and I have a ton of pink in my stash. I bet I could sew a year of pink quilts! Last year I went through most of my fabric and put on one shelf all the pieces I wanted for myself. Not surprising, it was mainly pink, blue and red. My other favorite is orange. I'm unsure why it is so appealing but I love it! One thing I like about scrap quilts is putting unlikely color combinations together just because I can.


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