Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Returning to Myself

This summer I've been slowing making some changes.  Just some subtle little changes to please me.  It feels like I am returning to myself.  That's a very good feeling!

I pulled out my painted wooden fruit bowl from the '90s.  I have always considered it one of my favorite thrifted treasures.  I haven't used it in 15 years.  I'm sorry bowl.  I'll do better now. 💗

I machine embroidered these flower basket blocks about 6 years ago.  I turned them into pillows 3 years ago.  No one except me has been particularly excited about them.  Guess what?  I don't care.  I love them on my bed now.

Recently I decided to reclaim my guest room.  This is one of the raw edge quilts I stitched last year.  I wasn't sure if I would like it as a bedspread but when I looked at the patches and so many were familiar fabric from my clothes, my son's clothes or fabrics I've had in my stash for a long time, I fell in love with it.  My collection of raw edge pillows supports a few fun thrifted pillows I picked up this year.

The other evening I sat down again with a block I started hand embroidering from a very large crazy quilt project called My Crazy Life.  I did all the block piecing in 2013 - 2014.  At the time I didn't know where I would hang it but now I know it will be hung in my guest room.  

Below are all the blocks.  Nine 20" blocks & I have a box of linens & trims for a wide border.  Lots of significant embroidered motifs, fabrics & trinkets to signify my life.  It's a slow embroidery project.  I really hope to stay motivated & stitch in the evenings.

My Crazy Life ©Debra Dixon 2018

It's feeling good around my house again.  I'm pleased.  I even went out and looked at my Corvette again.  I'm feeling the urge to drive it. 

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I love reading your comments.

Have a Creative Day Y'All! 


  1. It is terrific looking and I love all the bright colors. What a fun bedroom.

  2. Yes! All those things need to be out, being used, being seen, being enjoyed by you! And the Corvette definitely needs a good driving!

    1. I can't drive the Corvette until I get it inspected. It's been sitting in the garage a little too long! It's just so easy to jump in my SUV.

  3. It is a good thing to enjoy the home you create for yourself! Yours is so interesting. I LOVE the quilt on your guest room bed but I'm curious as to WHY you make them raw edge. I would love a demonstration on exactly how you do it. Do you just sew one piece to another, edge to edge, with a topstitch instead of a seam?

  4. This quilt was originally going to be yardage that I was going to cut into pillow fronts. When I finished it and laid it out, I couldn't cut it up! So I bound it for a quilt. Generally, I don't have a problem giving or selling quilts but this had too many personal fabrics to let go of it.

    I like the raw edge. It has more of a boho feeling than conventional piecing. I do both -- I swing between the different techniques. I overlap the piece's edges so the batting (and a thin interliner) doesn't show through. I generally stitch back and forth a few times over the patch to make sure it isn't going anywhere. So yes, it's a topstitch instead of a seam.

    I'll do a video when I put a new piece on the longarm. I only do this technique on the longarm.

  5. I have really enjoyed 'meeting' you through crazy quilting. Your work is so vibrant, such a joy. Thank you for sharing with us all.


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