Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tunic/Tabard Apron

I've started some preparations for the upcoming November art markets.  One item I am entertaining with more vigor than previous markets are aprons.  I have a few styles for which I want to make some prototypes to see about design & construction methods.  I was accepted in the reclaimed/repurposed category so I have to stay true to that requirement.  Otherwise I could sew a ton of aprons out of yardage.  But, really, what fun is that?

So, a man's shirt was repurposed into an apron.  I used some scraps at the very top of the heap for experimenting yesterday. I repurposed a pillowcase for the skirt section, the bias tape from some pillow shams, experimental paint piece from days of old.  It's a cute apron.  My home economics training questions how useful it really is for cooking and cleaning; that's always a struggle for me. 
But, more importantly, I sewed this apron.  It's a step in a fun direction! 
The leftover pieces of the man's shirt will be enough for a half gathered apron.  I purposely cut it so I could utilize the hem.  I like to think ahead.  :-)

What kind of aprons do you like and wear? 

Have a Creative Day, Y'All! 


  1. Am wondering if you could take a man’s shirt and use it backwards, allowing you to take the front pieces and overlap to opposite shoulders for the back?

  2. What a fun fabric collage. My favorite aprons are the big butcher-style ones. They give you a lot of space to combine interesting fabrics. Allie likes a big half version of this style that you can wrap almost all the way around your waist. The good thing about aprons is that there are so many style options.

  3. That's one of your best ideas for the shirts, yet. I look forward to seeing the one with the back of the shirt. I think these will make great sellers for you, if the market is anything like it sounds.


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