Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Crazy Quilt: My Crazy Life

Various events lately have me thinking about taking up my hand needle for some crazy quilt stitching again.  

I have a healthy pile of unfinished projects from my previous sewing studio.  It would be good to finish them; possibly even offer them for sale.  I might consider making this fall a "Get 'er Done" kind of season.  They are pretty projects and I still love them.  They just aren't finished.  Life interrupted them.  Four years later life has settled into its new rhythm and it's time to hand stitch again.  I've discovered I spend too much time in one place in my house in front of the computer.  It would be nice to enjoy other rooms too.  I think hand stitching would be a nice balance to all the machine work I do most of the time. And I can do it in another room! 

If I was really disciplined, I would finish the Christmas pieces now so I'd have them for the holiday season.  But, I'm not feeling it with them at the moment.  I pulled out a very large and very personal piece called My Crazy Life I pieced in 2012.  There are 9 - 21" blocks pieced with favorite fabrics, machine embroidery motifs and some linens.  I started the hand work a few years ago.  When I am in the groove, my hand embroidery is very regular & I can remember all kinds of stitch combinations.  It's been long enough I'll probably need a little refresher to regain my momentum.

Here it is from 2012 on the design wall.  I'll probably soften Our Lady of Guadalupe to blend more into the composition.  I've also envisioned a lace and vintage border with smaller blocks.  I'll see.  :-)

My Crazy Life ©Debra Dixon 2018

Some areas of the 1st block are already embroidered.

Have a Creative Day, Y'All!


  1. I’m excited to see you embroidering again. I’ve got my Mexican Jenny quilt hibernating for now, but I plan to eventually take it out and finish it, and I’ve even solved a design problem that had stumped me. I know if you embroider, it’s going to make my fingers itch to get stitching too. Your quilt is lovely, it would be great to finish it.

  2. I hope you will join me! Your Mexican Jenny quilt is such a great piece. It deserves to be finished too.

  3. I would love to see you hand stitching again!

  4. Love this, Debra, and I see that you've been working on it in your next post! I've grown to love hand stitching and find it almost contemplative! Good luck with all of your projects. I have several unfinished ones also, but seem to be experiencing a creative block right now! Maybe this will motivate me to get going again!


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