Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Getting My On-line Shops Stocked

I've been spending a lot of time listing fabric on etsy and clothes on Poshmark.  The initial work is, well, work but once it is listed, then it seems pretty easy to fill the orders and mail the goods. 

I'm having a garage sale (it's community wide) this weekend so I hope to sell some other items that can't go on-line.  I've about decided the art markets are too expensive for the return for me.  So, I'll be looking for some alternatives.  We have quite a bit of nightly traffic through my neighborhood & the thought has crossed my mind to have a small market out in my front yard.  Who knows?  Maybe someone would stop!

Longtime friends are arriving for a visit soon.  I'll have to quit all this fabric nonsense and do some cleaning or shoveling whichever seems appropriate.  :-) 

Two Tshirt commission quilts are waiting for my creative hand.  Yea, lots to do.  Where does the time go? 

Poshmark Store is: https://poshmark.com/closet/debradesign
Etsy Store is:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/thegoodstuffcompany

Thank you to those who have stopped by and purchased items!  


  1. Funny, I just spent almost an hour in your Poshmark store, and I saw so many wonderful things. I'm mulling over a couple of them, while telling myself I need to wait until August to spend money. LOL But it's so tempting!

  2. I had fun browsing your Poshmark and Etsy shops. You have a lot of inventory!


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