Friday, March 30, 2018

Firefighter Quilt Delivered; Etsy Shop Opens

The Firefighter picked up his quilt yesterday.  He's such a pleasant man.  I really like him.  He wanted me to add another patch to the back so we had some time to visit while I hand stitched it on.

He was very happy about the quilt & told me it was "so much better than he had imagined it would be".  He's eager to show it to his friends and colleagues at the fire station.  He told me of many instances where they could use such a quilt and felt certain I would hear from other firefighters.  He left with a stack of business cards.

While we were talking I told him about Ruben, the neighborhood homeless man, to whom I gave the quilt.  The firefighter is in my neighborhood and he's also seen Ruben around the area.  Then he told me about his 2nd job downtown near a very large homeless area.  He said his partner literally knows all the homeless people and their particular stories.

I had 2 smaller quilts I wanted to find a home so I asked him if he had opportunities to pass out quilts.  He actually has many chances; when arriving at a fire and while patrolling.  I also found out he's a police officer.

So when he left with his quilt, he left with 2 small quilts and a stack of business cards.  I'll be in touch with him when I have some more smaller quilts to pass out.  He'll be my hands on the street.  I'm so glad I made his acquaintance.  Good things will come from it.

                     Two quilts headed for the Houston streets to comfort someone in distress.

On another note, I have reopened my Etsy Store:  The Good Stuff Company.  I am actively listing fabrics for sale.  Please share my link with fellow sewers and quilters.  Etsy has really changed since I last used it and I'm not sure any store could be found without some real effort.


  1. These are some great and kind things you are doing with your art; I have a feeling something very wonderful will come through your fireman.

  2. All things work for the good of those who love the Lord. Romans 8:28 Obviously, all these things are coming together for the good of many. Don't you love to see the Lord's hand in your life? =)

  3. I love both of these quilts, Debra!


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