Monday, January 1, 2018

Improv Quilts 2018, no. 1

A few days ago I found some scrap bits I had sewn together some time in the past.  I cleared what was on my studio table into the pile of scraps and came up with some long improv sections.

This is a great style for scrap busting and the size (43 x 58) works well for kids or lap quilts for adults.  Once I sew the scraps into a length, I can compose and sew the rest on the longarm.  The batting is a thrifted fleece blanket.  I'll be giving this quilt away.  I hope to have many more to give during 2018.

1 comment:

  1. I’d be interested to know how you sew the strips together on the long arm. I’ve been enjoying your photos of the improv quilts and your thoughtful writing about them.


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