Thursday, December 7, 2017

Vintage Dresden Plate Quilt

The 3rd quilt top of the 3 vintage quilt tops is quilted and ready for its binding.  I had hoped for an even grid but as it turned out, the triangles on the outside edge were not aligned from one edge to the other edge.  I settled for a large rectangular grid and I think it serves the quilt well.  I don't do a lot of quilting in one direction, turning the quilt and quilting in the other direction.  There probably are some tricks I should know but overall, it wasn't too bad getting the 2nd turn lined up correctly.

I can see that it would be a good idea to expand my repertoire of quilting designs.  I'm contemplating buying some pantographs so I have a few go to designs available.  The straight line quilting worked well for this batch of quilts but it may not for other quilts coming my direction.

I had one piece of fabric I thought would work for the backing but it turned out to be a few inches short.  I scurried over to JoAnn Fabrics (which is all of 5 minutes away) and found this sweet print.  It is perfect!  The border originally had scallops but I knew that was not going to happen.  My friend agreed a straight border would be fine!

Today is the 5th Day of Advent:  Today's Advent lesson asks the question:  Who is My Neighbor? 
We all define neighbor differently, I suppose.  Literally, a neighbor is someone in close proximity to your house.  But, scripture asks us to think broadly.  A neighbor is anyone in need; both close and far.  What are we doing to help our neighbors?

Prayer: Help us to love our neighbor, O God, and to embody the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Last night I was studying The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; particularly the Law of Dharma which is one's purpose in life.  In a very brief nutshell, the secret is to discover one's unique talent,  express that talent and use that talent to serve mankind. 
The question posed is "How can I help?".  Answering that question faithfully leads to abundance.

How interesting that today's Advent lesson affirms last night's spiritual lesson from Deepak Chopra.
Someone is talking to me.  I'm listening.  

1 comment:

  1. Listening is good. =) I wonder where the doing part will lead you. I like the Dresden with those lines - not having the squared spacing looks great! That is a sweet backing. If you are buying pantos, get ones you won't be able to do freehand after you've followed it once!


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