Friday, June 19, 2020

Commission: CA Fireman's Tshirt Quilt Finished

The CA Fireman's quilt is finished!  Mom sent HiLoft batting and I held my breath the entire quilting session.  My longarm handled it fine but there wasn't much clearance between the foot and the quilt.  I can adjust the foot height but I don't adjust anything on my machines.  It gives me a huge case of anxiety to mess around with tensions and such. 

Big and fluffy!  Should be cozy.  I hope he'll enjoy it.  

I'm so excited to start working on my front yard Monday!  Yea!  I took a quick trip to the garden center after I dropped off the quilt at UPS.  Now it's time to put pencil to paper and make a map.  I'll have to be vigilant with my planting ideas.  They were not giving any plants away at the garden center.  Yikes!

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1 comment:

  1. Good day of quilting, followed by a great day of planning gardens. What a life!


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