Monday, December 2, 2019

Studio Dress: Patchwork Finished & Other News

I was on a pretty fast track to sew my Studio Dress when an opportunity dropped itself in my lap.  I've been researching the possibility of opening a legal assistant business in 2020.  I'm feeling pretty confident I can make it happen.  This past year has been slim pickings for income and I guess the message is pretty clear I need to make an employment adjustment.  My prayers have been for appropriate use of my talents and skills.  I was thinking with my sewing.  God was thinking my dormant paralegal skills. With 2020 starting next month it seems like a perfect time to make the adjustment.

In the meantime I have a quilt top to quilt and 2 tshirt quilts to sew for Christmas.  Those immediate commissions mean I needed to get my Studio Dress off the longarm.  I haven't trimmed it yet.  I'll work on it later when necessary work is finished.  I have my last 2019 show this weekend.  I have some new quilts but nothing in the gift category.  I'm seriously over the markets.  I think I gave them enough rope to hang themselves. 

2020 is really going to be different.  I also looked through a bunch of my clothes and decided if I dropped a few pounds I could wear more of them comfortably.  So I'm back to vigilant eating and trying to kick my Diet Coke habit.  I'll continue to rework some clothes because I like the challenge & it's fun!

I am also continuing my commitment to The Grateful Threads Project.  I have about 25 quilt tops (10 ready and 15 almost ready) for the spring season 2020.  I expect to work close to full-time as a paralegal so I think 25 quilts to quilt will take a good portion of the spring to finish. 

Exciting changes!

I know this probably takes a bit of imagination to visualize in its current untrimmed condition.  But I think it's going to work!  

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  1. Well, congrats are in order for your new direction! I’m glad you’ll be keeping up the charity work too.

  2. Best wishes on your new professional direction. You do have so many skills, and it looks like you’ve identified some that will bring you more appropriate compensation. I like the look of your quilted fabric! Enjoy your project.

  3. It's wonderful that you have a new opportunity to generate the income you need. Best of luck with that. The fabric looks great, but no, I have no imagination. =)


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