Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Embroidery: Collage Art Details

I  stitched the details on the 1st collage piece.

I started a 2nd piece that could be a companion piece.  I like to stitch pieces that coordinate together because a customer may decide to buy a grouping.  If not, the pieces are fine on their own too.

This is ready for the elements to be stitched down; will use a combination of machine and hand sewing. 

I've been looking for a good source for stretched canvas frames.  The artist frames, aside from being expensive, are not very deep.  I've looked on clearance racks and the thrift store but neither place has a consistent amount I could use.  I discovered Burlington Coat Factory had some frames in good workable sizes and easy on the wallet.  I came home with a nice stack today.

Once I have more pieces sewn, I'll spend time stapling them to the frames.  It seems a better use of time; assembly line. 

1 comment:

  1. Who'da thought! Frames from Burlington Coat Factory! I love the delicate airiness of these white pieces.


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