Thursday, June 20, 2019


The summer is moving along at a quick clip.  It's already hot in Houston which is what it does here in the summer.  I know; what a surprise.  I'm trying to keep my air conditioning off or at 80° because, you know, high electric bills.  This week the temps are really going up.  Yesterday it was 96° so it's been a struggle but my Dad gave me a big studio fan and I have quickly adjusted to the higher AC setting.  I don't like cold air blowing on me anyway so it's really not much of a stretch to limit air conditioning.

I've been thinking about cutting my hair.  Wearing it up with a clip was just pretending it was short.  So I went in to the mall last week and had it cut. The ponytail was donated to a hair collection agency.  I didn't press the stylist for the name but I did ask her assurance it would be donated.  Because it was natural hair (not dyed or treated), it was desirable.  Once the length was cut off, it immediately curled and waved which I love tremendously.  It's long enough I can still kinda clip it up off my neck for the unbearable hot days, like today.

My neighbor has taken a flexible contract position during the days. His wife is a chef/teacher at a Houston culinary school.  I'm watching their little girl while he runs around Houston trying to sell landscaping jobs.  She's a real doll with her own mind.  :-)  I'm working to get her on a reasonable schedule for eating and sleeping; introducing new foods and new activities.  She's learning to walk & I was thrilled to catch her on video Monday.  She didn't know I was watching her & she very persistently walked the longest distance she's walked to date.  
We take so many skills for granted once we learn them.  It really takes a serious amount of effort to learn to walk.  :-)

 Having a table to walk around sure is helpful!  She's very detailed oriented; the littlest spot of dirt on the floor gets her immediate attention!
She generally stays with an activity for a good length of time too.  I'm so jealous of the little pony tails.  I want them!  :-)

How's your summer so far?  Any big plans?  I don't have any plans except to be a tourist in my own town.  :-) 

Have a Creative Day Y'All! 


  1. I always think short hair really makes people look different and better! "Better" in a good way!

    That little girl is a doll. What a lucky surprise to catch her walking.

    I set the AC for 80 and try to make it for as long as I can. Sometimes it's only the mid morning!

    No summer plans. Maybe a bike ride in Sacramento. Going kayaking today. The snow in the Sierras is making it hard to hike. Not so fun:(

  2. That is one adorable-looking little girl. What fun for you, and I'm betting you sleep well every night! Enjoy your sight-seeing around town, and your shorter hair. It looks great on you!


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