Saturday, June 2, 2018

Good Thrift Day

Some days I just luck out!  

Yesterday I came home with 7 baby afghans.  Very soft and wonderful.  Who can resist ripple baby afghans?   These are headed to my etsy store.

This shawl is going to be so cozy during that one week of winter Houston will have this year.  I love that it has 2 big buttons so I have options where it is buttoned and how it drapes.  For my knitting friends, it's a rectangle with a buttonhole.  Simple!

Here's someone's hand knit poncho.  I'll be wearing this for the fall season for sure!

I cruised the pillow department and came home with some great embroidery that will be featured on jackets and coats for the fall season.  I think reworking pillows and shams is just one of the most clever ideas I have thought about doing.  Most of the involved sewing is already done!

 Some sashiko styled stitching from pillow shams will transform well into jacket fronts.

These large pillow shams are already patchworked for me.  Bingo! 

I have a small collection of these types of embroideries and pillow shams so I expect to start late summer designing jackets for sale.  

As always, I'll post photos here on my blog.
I'm attending a women's networking event with a friend this afternoon so will be wearing my new patchwork dress.  I hope to have photos to post soon!  

Have a Creative Day, Y'All!

1 comment:

  1. That black shawl-coat thing is smashing! I would never be able to wear it, I’m hot all the time, even in winter. I only own one sweater, and that I bought for a trip to the mountains over New Years! I haven’t worn it since.


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