Monday, March 5, 2018

Clothes Flipping

There are so many good clothes in Houston that need a new home that I have decided to make it my mission to buy all of them.  Just joking a little!  It's true, though, that Houston is a mecca for used clothes.  Clothes that are in perfect shape find their way into thrift stores.  It's amazing the amount of clothes I find that still have price tags on them and are still currently on trend.

I personally would rather develop my own style than worry about what is on trend.  I find lots of clothes with personality & that doesn't include the ones that could be remade.  That's a whole other discussion!

If you have not looked through my Poshmark store, do take a minute to browse.  I try to look for good quality clothes to list.  I also list clothes my clients give me when I do their closet makeovers for them.
I have a widget in the sidebar that shows listings as they change.

Here's today's stack of clothes to be listed.  Last night I knocked out about 10 pieces.


Gene likes to go thrifting with me; hunting through the racks.  I pull the clothes and he checks them for quality.  It's a great collaboration.  
Here's one he spied and suggested I keep it for myself.  Good call.  I am keeping it. :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's a great keeper. Gene has a good eye. Much better - that was only six checks. =)


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