Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Improv Quilts, no. 3

These are 2 different sets of pictures taken at morning and late afternoon in my courtyard and the back fence.  I seriously need to find a good photographic background where I can set up these large quilts.

Should I decide to go even further with my ideas, I have a professional photographer who will photograph them.  I would love to have her photograph my daily blogging but well, you know.

The back is sewn from predominantly reclaimed men's shirts with some yardage added from my stash.

I have started a new monthly daily devotional called Practicing Extravagant Generosity by Robert Schnase.  One of the premises of the book is that God uses our giving to change us.  Each day are simple examples with a bible verse.  I'll be sharing them with you here.

"And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?"  Luke 12:20

Brent and Laura recently asked me for one of my biggest and most involved wall hangings for their new house.  I was honored & humbled.  The Tropical Tree of Life which was stitched in the mid-2000s looks great hanging in their entry way.  


  1. I love this method of quilting. It’s very liberating not tondret about marching this or that and give lots of opportunity to explore colors and textures.

  2. The designs of these quilts is so impressive and thought inspiring, it reaches out and gives the viewer time to let their thoughts move along, letting the thoughts surface, as stripes and colors reach out. What was i doing as a Kid playing outside, was it a "mud hole" or looking at the sky, just dreaming.
    I love this so very much.Hugs Mother

  3. You are so productive I can't believe it, Debra! Your quilts are amazing and I really love your Tree Of Life wall hanging.
    Maybe the professional photographer can suggest a good backdrop for your quilts, but I think your photography id great!!

  4. This whole improv series is great, and I still like The Tree of Life.


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