Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Repairs: Longarm Machine

What's missing in these longarm pictures is the needlebar.  Apparently sometime in its history, I bent it enough that it made the flywheel inoperable. 

Last week while quilting the needle broke which blew the machine's fuse.  I called APQS and they walked me through changing the fuse.  Once that was finished, the machine would turn on.  By using Facetime, the technician was able to narrow down the diagnosis to a bent gear wheel.  I ordered a new gear.  Yesterday Gene and I took the gear box apart.  The gear was fine.  The flywheel still would not turn.  Another long Facetime service call with APQS determined the needlebar was bent.  Once it was extracted, the flywheel turned freely.  I have a new needlebar on order.  The longarm will be out of commission another week.  I am just thankful it is not a costly repair & it is something Gene and I can accomplish without a shop visit.

Fortunately, I probably have enough quilted items for my October shows.  I've been concentrating on smaller embroidered items lately so the embroidery machine is doing double time while the longarm waits.   


  1. That's a darned efficient (and money saving) way to repair a machine! Good onya!

  2. I was pretty surprised when Dawn at APQS suggested we facetime so she could look at the machine. What a brilliant idea!

    The parts have been reasonable and Gene has the tools needed. At first my anxiety level was sky high but now I feel much better.

  3. Lucky you have Gene and his tools! I know I'd never be able to repair that myself. Paul would have been, but not me by myself, and my boys - no, I'd throw it in the car and drive it there myself first. LOL


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