Wednesday, May 23, 2018

King Sized Strippy Quilt

I've started the king sized quilt.  I will be sewing it in 2 sections.  The middle section is the section I am sewing now.  Then, I will sew another wide section, cut it in half vertically and sew it on either side of the middle section.  It's the only way I can accommodate a really wide quilt on my longarm.  And, with this patch/strippy style, it will work fine. 

My original plan has developed into a bit more scrappy than I thought originally.  I am trying to keep the patches larger since I know this quilt will be used a lot. 

Right after I put this on the frame I picked up another commission so today I plan to sew, sew, sew and hopefully get the 1st panel finished.

Have a Creative Day Y'All! 


  1. Looking great so far, and you have a plan, that's always a plus. =) A new commission, woohoo! You are growing your business!


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